- Assessment tests carried out to highlight strengths and weaknesses.
Small group teaching in preparation for the 11+ tests.
For Maths:
- Consolidating on previous knowledge;
- Learning new concepts towards Key Stage 3 work;
- Practice in complex problem solving;
- Quick calculation methods;
- Where required, Non-Verbal Reasoning;
- Timed tests.
For English:
- Comprehension of a wide range of texts;
- Vocabulary enhancement with regular lists;
- Creative writing for different purposes and audiences;
- Grammar and punctuation;
- Verbal reasoning, where appropriate.
For all areas:
- Exam technique;
- Strategies on staying calm and focussed;
- Time management during an exam.
Also offered, particularly for pupils sitting the Independent Schools exams, interview technique and practice questions.
A regular report will be given at the end of every half term.
Pupils have secured places at the following schools:
Selective Grammar Schools: Nonsuch High School for Girls; Sutton Grammar; Tiffin’s; Wallington County Boys School; Wallington High School for Girls and Wilson’s High School for Boys.
Independent Schools: Benenden; Caterham; Lady Eleanor Holles; Hampton School; King’s College School Wimbledon; Reigate Grammar; Sevenoaks; Surbiton High; Tonbridge; Trinity; Westminster; Whitgift.
Common Entrance Tests are those set by the Independent School’s Examination Board for entry to senior independent schools. The school to which you are applying marks them.
The 11+ Exam consists of an English, Maths and Science papers. The 11+ examination is taken in the autumn or spring term.
The 13+ Exam consists of English, Maths and Science papers. Up to a total of 10 subjects may be offered. The exams are set by the ISEB and the schools to which you are applying mark them. They are taken usually during the first week in June.
A wide variety of subjects are offered to pupils including English, Maths, Science, French, History, Geography and Religious Studies.
Tutoring for GCSE includes the following:
- Subject specific knowledge;
- Timetabling – plan of action and organisation;
- Strategies for planning revision;
- Essay writing;
- How to answer the question and remain focussed;
- Time management in exams;
- General well-being before and during the exam period.
Specialist subjects offered : English, French; History and Religious Studies.
There are 2 courses available in 2019.
Course 1 : Monday 29th July to Thursday 8th August (9.30am – 4pm Mon – Thurs)
Course 2: Monday 12th August to Thursday 22nd August (9.30m- 4pm Mon – Thurs)
The course will cover all areas of English and Maths required for the 11+ tests including:
- Mental Maths and short cuts to accurate calculations;
- Complex multi-step calculations in Maths;
- Verbal reasoning – questions relevant to the new tests;
- Vocabulary enhancements;
- Comprehension of a wide range of texts;
- Creative writing for different purposes and audiences;
- Grammar and punctuation;
- Exam technique;
- Time management;
- Strategies on how to remain calm and not panic;
- All materials for the Course will be provided, adapted and customised so that they are specific to our needs.
There will be a different content to each week’s sessions, building on and consolidating previous work with opportunities in each session to ask questions and seek further clarification, if necessary.
The results of the tests will follow shortly after the last test.
As places are strictly limited for the Intensive Course please contact me as soon as possible.
Pupils who have attended this course previously, have managed to secure places at the selective grammar schools in the Sutton and Kingston areas. This course was also beneficial to those sitting Independent Schools’ exams and all of those pupils were offered places at their chosen schools, many with scholarships.